Give Up The Fat , And The Belly Will Go Flat

You could eliminate categories of food (go vegan and cut out meat; go gluten-free and bread and pasta and...; go paleo and eliminate anything you thing is recent (grains, dairy, legumes,,,,; go keto and eliminate all carbs,...) if that is what appeals to you. Just keep in mind, if you do it as a diet and return to your bad habits when you lose the weight, you will gain it all back and then some when you quit. Also , inevitably you will find substitutes, you will find more foods that fit into this new restriction and you will wind up gaining weight back. It is that simple. Take in more calories than you burn and you gain weight, take in fewer calories than you burn and you lose weight.

t: normal;">There are many approaches. My preference is to add good things so that you eat less of the high-calorie things. Eat more non-starchy vegetables. They are low calorie and have plenty of bulk. Make half of what you eat in a meal non-starchy vegetables. Begin meals with a salad (watch those dressings though, they can be high calorie. I like either a homemade tzatziki (cucumber) dressing made with nonfat Greek yogurt or a low-calorie Italian dressing thickened with acacia fiber rather than oil - the vinegar in the dressing serves double duty, it slows the digestive enzyme that converts starch to sugar). Keep cut-up vegetables; either raw. grilled, or steamed; cut up for snacking. (broccoli, green beans, summer squash, celery, carrots...)By adding more vegetables you will eat less of the other things. Change from simple refined starches (pasta, white bread, white flour..) to more complex carbs. Choose whole grains (bulgur wheat, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, buckwheat...) and limit your portion size. Choose legumes (beans, peas, lentils..) Reduce serving size of starchy vegetables like potatoes. One idea is to mix mashed cauliflower into mashed potatoes. Done right it lets you have a lot of something that is close to mashed potatoes (although I prefer just having a smaller serving of potatoes and a serving of not mashed cauliflower). Opt for a better choice, sweet potatoes or carrots and parsnips... Choose leaner cuts of meat. Chicken breast, pork loin, fish... and limit your portion size. There are many great calorie counting (or points), and they serve to teach you portion control. Learn what you cannot eat large amounts of and what you can. I prefer just to go with "portion control" You get three portions a day of each Whole grains and legumes a portion is the size of a ball you can close your fingers around. About a tennis ball. Refined grains you get half that amount (not in addition but instead of so you get a tennis ball of brown rice or half a tennis ball of white rice . )(Best is a grain and legume mixed like rice and lentils or corn and black bean salad) Meat a portion is the size of the palm of your hand, fingers removed. About a deck of cards. Sugar, concentrated fat, baked goods, fried food... avoid. Special occasions only and then only a limited amount. Exercise; get moving. Don't go overboard and jump the gun and buy a gym membership and go workout for an hour right off the bat. If you do that, chances are high that you will start making excuses not to work out. Instead begin slowly. Start walking around the block, build on that - two then three blocks, a mile....some intermittent jogging. Park further out in parking lots so you walk a bit more. Get off elevators a floor early and take the stairs. Do off the wall pushups or some squats etc every time you set foot in the kitchen. Start easy and build on it. .
